Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I guess I'm going to give this blogging thing a go , and officially join Team Awesome. My birth into the blogging world has come. After much reluctance I have heeded Tikes call to repentance, and pledge to do my best to represent Team Awesome. I'm not the most creative of chaps, but I'll do my best. Give me a math problem or something scientific and I'll run with it, but English and writing is not my strength. I guess this will just give me a chance to become more well rounded as an individual AND have a little fun laying down my patented smack. So I guess as my bro.-in-law Epp always likes to say "JROD is in, now let the fun begin" (from the movie Can't Buy Me Love for those who didn't know). Sorry no photos, I'm still figuring this out.


Tikes said...

Welcome JRod....let me be the first to haze you.

This post is weak. You didn't really come into the jungle with any just limped in. Rather than tell us that your english skills are weak, tell us how much better you are than us...even if its isn't true.

In every spare second that you have at work, you need to be dissing, inventing, and thinking of quick witted smack to bring to the blungle. I give you an assignment to go back to the historical dissing of Team Awesome and do some research. As we all know...nobody is immune from Team Awesome smack. We all know that you can handle welcome....and its about time.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tikes on this one. This post was weak cheese. The whole point of Team Awesome is that you ceaselessly demean, degrade, and put down the others so as to look better than they do. Addmitting that you are weak at writing and english, even if it were true, just invites others to pile on to those admissions. Maybe if you look back at my first post, you will see the difference in approach. That is why from post #1 I was on Team Awesome, and why others have to strive to be annexed in. You always have to start somewhere, and for that I am proud of you, just not your post. I do know that you will bring it as I know you and what you are capable of. You can hang with the dissers, so dont hold back.

p.s. white words on black background makes my eyes hurt. just like Hubs.

Tikes said...

Upon further review (I went and looked at the very first post from all of us), JRod ranks above Ri-Bone (barely) and about even with Tobias Minimus, just below Hub and endless miles and miles (as numerous as the sands of the sea) below Dr. P's and mine own.

Just shows you how much further ahead Dr. P and I were right from the get go. NOTE: You still haven't caught up.

This is partly to haze JRod, and mostly to diss Ri-Bone as the first few posts from him were absolutely horrific.

Hub said...

JROD, if your posts were half as good as you THINK your golf game is, then it would be worth my time to read them.

That is how it is done.


Tobias said...

What is this crap about already being in Team Awesome? mmmmm no that is earned. By the way its good to see you attempt, and I am sure the creative worm inside of you will come out.

Riley Alexander said...

GayRod, it's about time you pulled your head out of your butt and realized blogs are awesome. Now, if you want people to think your cool, or that your blog doesn't suck I suggest a few things, tell people you know me, (that will improve your social standing immediatly) and secondly, dont post gay posts... like this one. That's a start. Now, I wont charge you for this session but from here on out you know my rate.

Tikes said...

While it is true that membership in Team Awesome is a gift bestowed upon you by only those with the proper is not wrongful to assume that you belong.
Like all interns before him....he must learn the ropes.

I think that it is only a matter of time before JRod is slinging some mud around and making his presence felt.

There is however, certain criteria that must be met...such as posting more than once or twice a month. Just keep that in mind. And you must be invited to play on my first ever (yet to be named) softball team in 2009.

Yes, that was a teaser, with many more juicy details to come.

Your Mom said...

Welcome to the family son.